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Perkz Credits

Travelocity is committed to being the traveler's champion – before, during and after the trip – and provides the most comprehensive and pro-active guarantee in the industry. Travelocity is a one-stop-shop to book discounted vacation packages, cheap flights, hotels, car rentals, and more.

Perkz Credits is not available on activities, travel for good products, and gift cards, travel booked through other advertisers on Travelocity.com such as Globus Vacations. Earn a $2.4 flat rate on airline tickets purchased through Travelocity. Earn $24.0 on Cruises. Earn 2.4% on Hotels. Earn 4.8% on Good Buy Hotels Earn 1.6% on Car Rentals. Earn 2.4% on a total trip which includes booking airfare and hotels at the same time.

Please be advised that some travel merchants do not post Perkz Credits until after your trip has been completed. You may notice $0.00 posted to your account as a placeholder. After your trip has been completed this will be replaced with the correct Perkz Credits. Some travel merchants may take up to 60 days after your trip has been completed to post to your account.

“Please be advised that some travel merchants do not post Perkz Credits until after your trip has been completed. You may notice $0.00 posted to your account as a placeholder. After your trip has been completed this will be replaced with the correct Perkz Credits. Some travel merchants may take up to 60 days after your trip has been completed to post to your account.”

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